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Know why Canada is good for Entrepreneurs?
August 1,2020

Know why Canada is good for Entrepreneurs?

America has always been and will be a priority destination for every talent and businesses. However, it has been noticed that many organisations and skilled immigrants are now finding Canada as a beneficial location to migrate.

The recent announcements made by the American government will suspend visas for the rest of the year 2020. The announcement made by  American President Mr Donald Trump on immigration will pull the applicant’s leg behind in this year.

Such suspension is going to get many challenges.

Reduction of confidence in Businesses and Skilled immigrants:

The very first visible challenge for America will be the backlogs on skilled worker demand which will slow down the process in 2020. Immigration, as well as international worker programs in any country like America, Canada, and all other countries, is to support the public policies of the nation. Yet it is difficult to reach at decided public policy objective once your immigration process is lacking in responding to the county’s economy & social state of affairs on time.

From these announcements, candidates have become more confused and losing their faith of American government. Applicants are inquiring that will their applications be processed on transparent amount of time or not?

Such questions scare skilled works and businesses, because of which they get pressurised and start hunting other suitable options for a better future. Companies with multinational presence and workers with a good amount of skill set will definitely look to immigration options in Canada and other countries because they no longer have much faith about how America will process applications incoming next year.


Loss of America on economic recovery after COVID pandemic:

It is being discussed between American business and economic circles that slow acceptance of immigrants will affect negatively on America’s economic recovery post-coronavirus. Acceptance of skilled immigrants help to add economic growth in America in many ways, yet lower permanent and temporary visa arrivals in this year and coming years may counter the productivity negatively to the Executive Order’s goal to support American workers.


How America’s loss will become Canada’s gain:

America will always be at the top in the priority list of skilled workers as it carries world’s largest economy, best universities, and a bunch of opportunities for the people who want to migrate into business, technology, health, research, and every sector and occupation in between.

The country will also remain a talent magnet to global talent just because of its soft power. The world-famous entertainment industry of America that includes Hollywood movies, music and sports play an important role in such attraction.

Since the old days, it has been taught not to count out America as they overcame the Revolutionary War, Civil War, Great Depression, Two World Wars, 9/11, and other major setbacks.

But due to consistency of mismanagement in immigration, they may end up crushing hopes of numerous applicants who have planned their future with America and this will represent a loss to the U.S. economy.

Constant commitments of Canada to welcome a healthy amount of immigrants, foreign workers, and international students has kept the country in people’s priority list. Before such a pandemic situation, they welcomed over 1 million new permanent and temporary residents every year and we are adding positive notes for coming future that requirements of immigrants may increase.

That’s how America’s loss will divert businesses as well as skilled workers towards Canada which may prove to be Canada’s gain.


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