All program Express Entry draw invites 4,300 candidates

all program express entry drawExpress Entry CEC Draw PNP all program express entry draw All program express entry draw Canada Third Express Entry Draw french speaking cutoff
  • August 16, 2023

On August 15, 2023, the latest Express Entry draw encompassing all programs was conducted, resulting in the issuance of 4,300 invitations to apply for permanent residency (PR). Notably, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) cutoff score experienced a significant reduction of 21 points, settling at 496.


Details of the Latest Express Entry Draw

Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the most recent Express Entry draw, along with insights into the trends of 2023 and predictions for the next draw:

  • Express Entry Program: No Program Specified
  • Number of Invitations Issued: 4,300
  • Minimum Rank for Invitation: 4,300 or above
  • Date and Time of Draw: August 15, 2023, at 14:23:51 UTC
  • CRS Score of Lowest-Ranked Candidate Invited: 496
  • Tie-Breaking Rule Application: August 01, 2023, at 12:59:52 UTC


Understanding the CRS Cutoff Score Movement

The fluctuation in the CRS cutoff score can be attributed to various factors. In the August 1 ‘no program specified’ Express Entry draw, the CRS score increased due to a combination of a three-week gap since the previous draw and a substantial influx of new profiles. However, the trend took a reverse turn in the August 15 draw, where the increased number of invitations led to a noteworthy reduction in the CRS cutoff score.


August 2023 Express Entry Insights

Throughout the month of August 2023, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) issued a total of 8,600 invitations to apply for permanent residency. The significant highlight of the month was the introduction of the inaugural skilled trades draw. This draw was meticulously targeted at 10 specific occupations, bearing a notably low cutoff score of 388.


Predicting the Next Express Entry Draw

As the IRCC transitions back to biweekly rounds of invitations, accompanied by new category-based draws, patterns are beginning to emerge. Typically, draws initiate with ‘no program-specific’ categories, followed by occupation-specific and Francophile draws. However, in the specific week of August 15, only a substantial ‘no program specified’ draw occurred without any parallel targeted draws.

Anticipations are high for upcoming targeted Express Entry draws, particularly for 10 Transport and 3 Agriculture occupations. These rounds of invitations are highly anticipated and may have a significant impact on the CRS cutoff scores. Expectations range between 350–400, potentially even surprising the applicants with a lower threshold.

For the general ‘no program specified’ Express Entry draws, the CRS cutoff score is projected to hover around 500, considering the possibility of a lower invitation count.

Furthermore, the probability of additional STEM and healthcare-targeted invitations remains substantial.


Recommendations for Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants are advised to expedite the creation of their Express Entry profiles. Even if their occupation isn’t among the targeted categories, exploring Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) is highly recommended.

For those already possessing a valid profile in the Express Entry pool, if their spouse possesses a minimum of 6-month experience in one of the 82 eligible occupations for targeted draws and their overall CRS score is below 480, designating the spouse as the primary applicant could be strategically advantageous, even if the CRS score dips to the range of 450–430.

Lastly, candidates with at least 6-month experience in these specified occupations are urged to seize the opportunity and promptly create their Express Entry profiles.


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