Yukon Business Nominee Program

Yukon Business Nominee Program

Yukon is looking out for interested entrepreneurs who wish to operate their own businesses in the province and contribute to the provincial economic development. Yukon Business Nominee program permits the Government of Yukon to nominate those applicants who have sufficient business experience and capability either to become a partner in a business or purchase an existing running business in Yukon.


In order to apply for the Yukon Business Nominee Program, the candidate must have:


To be considered as an eligible business, the business must:


Application Process:

The generic application process flow for eligible candidates is as follows:


Assistance by Winny Immigration:

With Winny’s international presence in Canada and through a pre-established network of business brokers in the country, Winny Immigration can assist the applicant in identifying and purchasing a suitable business in order to apply under Yukon Business Nominee Program.

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