Express Entry CEC invites 4500 candidates with lower score

express entry draw CEC Candidates - Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program PNP: Immigration results for August 2021 Alberta New PNP Name and Two New Programs PNP all program express entry draw
  • July 23, 2021

IRCC held Express Entry for Canadian Experience Class on July 22 issuing 4500 invitations to Apply (ITA) to the candidates with the cut-off Comprehensive Ranking (CRS) score 357 points.

IRCC is holding the draw for experienced class more often that helps them fulfil their immigration target and they do not have to invite candidates from outside borders.

The selected candidates are required to have at least one year of work experience in a skilled occupation in Canada to be eligible for the draw along with language proficiency skill in English or French.

The tie breaking rule was implemented in this draw for the profiles that were submitted before February 14, 2021 at 09:04:15 UTC. The candidates who have minimum score of 357 points would have received the invitation provided they have submitted their profile before the given time. This was a major Express Entry draw held with quite low CRS requirement.

In the Express Entry system, candidates are ranked based on their CRS score that considers multiple factors including their age, work experience, education and proficiency in French or English. In some cases, the date and time at which the Express Entry profile was created is also a ranking factor.

After you submit, an IRCC immigration officer will make a decision on your application. If you are approved, the last step is to complete the landing process and officially become a Canadian permanent resident.

Not all candidates who receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) will get permanent residency status. Some may not apply, others may be rejected.

Coronavirus-related measures in Canada are starting to roll back. Canada’s border is reopening to non-essential travel to fully vaccinated U.S. travellers in August. Then in September, the border will open to fully vaccinated people from all other countries. However, direct flights to India are still suspended until August 21.

If you are a client of Winny, contact your concerned case officer to receive the details regarding this and further process.

If you are not a client and wish to go for an inquiry about Express Entry and PNP programs and to apply for the same, you may contact us at or call us at 1800-419-3242.

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