Ontario PNP Draw: 940 invitations to International Students & Temporary Workers

Canada province -Ontario PNP Draw -Ontario invites express entry candidates
  • June 17, 2021

Ontario held a PNP draw to invite the candidates to apply for the provincial nomination for permanent residence on June 16.

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) invited candidates who had profiles in the new Expression of Interest (EOI) pool. Candidates may have qualified for one of two Employer Job Offer streams.

In total 940 candidates were invited for the provincial nomination, out of which 569 candidates may be eligible for Foreign Worker Stream. These candidates required the EOI score of 38 and there was no targeted occupation or location requirement.

The rest of 371 candidates were invited to apply for a nomination from the International Student Stream. These candidates needed an EOI score of at least 66 points.


Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream

The Ontario Foreign Worker Stream under the Employer Job Offer category is open to foreign nationals who have an eligible job offer from an employer in Ontario. You do not necessarily have to apply from within Canada, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

To be eligible you need to accumulate the equivalent of two years of work experience in a skilled occupation, have an eligible job offer in Ontario, and intend to immigrate to the province, among other criteria.


Employer Job Offer: International Student stream

The Ontario International Student Stream under the Employer Job Offer category is open to foreign nationals who have an eligible job offer from an employer in Ontario.

You do not necessarily have to apply from within Canada, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

To be eligible you need to have completed a program at a Canadian Designated Learning Institution, have an eligible job offer in Ontario, and intend to immigrate to the province, among other criteria.

For inquiry about Ontario PNP programs and to apply for the same, you may contact us at inquiry@winnyimmigration.com or call us at 1800-419-3242.

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